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New subscriber offer: free August issue, 1999’s Top 100 reinsurers.

Re Online is a new service designed to complement Reinsurance Magazine, offering breaking news, a searchable archive of Reinsurance Magazine, an e-mail news bulletin and a range of other useful features. Reinsurance Magazine has been recognised as a leading journal and business intelligence service for the reinsurance professional since its launch in 1969. Circulation is 10,555 (ABC July 99 – June 00). This specialist monthly keeps readers in over 130 countries abreast of developments in emerging markets as well as established reinsurance centres with:

News and analysis from the global company market and Lloyd’s
Country reports focusing on classes of business written, local and national market conditions, infrastructure and developing trends
Technical reports, statistics and surveys
Views and opinions from, and interviews with, leading industry figures
Developments in regulation, legislation and litigation.
To view a sample feature from Reinsurance click here

Every year the British Insurance Awards is hosted by Reinsurance along with Post Magazine and Professional Broking.

Magazine published monthly by Timothy Benn Publishing Ltd, 39 Earlham Street, Covent Garden, London WC2H 9LD. Tel: +44 171 306 7000.

Editorial contacts

Janina Clark Tel +44 171 306 7080 re@benn.co.uk

Sub Editor
Isobel Clark Tel +44 171 306 7018

Editorial fax:
Fax: +44 171 306 7101

Tel: +44 171 306 7000

Advertising contacts

Advertisement Director
Derek Peck Tel: +44 171 306 7020 dpeck@benn.co.uk

Advertisement Manager
Jeremy Fennell Tel: +44 171 306 7025 jfennell@benn.co.uk

Advertisement fax:
Fax: +44 171 306 7019

Features 2001


Market report: France
Feature focus: Lloyd’s
Technical report: 2000 legal review

Market report: United States
Feature focus: Political risk
Technical report: Life & health

Market reports: India, Latin America
Feature focus: Energy
Technical report: Technology

Market report: China & Hong Kong
Feature focus: Captives
Technical report: Natural catastrophes
Extra distribution: RIMS — Atlanta, IUA Seminar — Gleneagles, Scotland

Market report: Ireland
Feature focus: Environment
Technical report: Non-traditional reinsurance

Market report: Eastern Europe
Feature focus: Regulation
Technical report: Aviation & space
Extra distribution: Airmic — Birmingham

Market report: Japan
Feature focus: Run-off
Technical report: Lloyd’s
August — Top 100 Issue

2000’s Top 100 Reinsurers
September — Monte Carlo Issue

Market reports: Brazil, London
Feature focus: Non-traditional reinsurance
Technical report: Marine & P&I;
Extra distribution: Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous
October — Baden Baden Issue

Market report: Germany
Feature focus: Monte Carlo Rendez-Vous report
Technical report: Emerging markets
Extra distribution: Baden-Baden, Singapore International Reinsurance Congress, NAII Conference
November — Bermuda Issue

Market report: Italy
Feature focus: Motor
Special report: Bermuda
December / January

Market report: Spain
Feature focus: Baden-Baden report
Technical report: 2001 legal review
Please note: Due to changing market conditions the above list may change.
This is not a complete listing of the editorial content for each issue. For a full listing of each monthŐs editorial content and details of any additional conference distribution, please contact the editor, Janina Clark, on tel: +44 (0) 20 7306 7080, e-mail: re@benn.co.uk or fax: +44 (0) 20 7306 7101.

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Subscription information

Reinsurance Magazine is available by direct subscription. Print subscribers benefit from privileged access to the subscriber-only areas of Re Online. This offers subscribers a valuable searchable archive of back issues in both HTML and .pdf formats, and also immediate worldwide access to the full current issue of the magazine on publication, avoiding the uncertainties of the global postal delivery systems.

Print subscription rates:

3 year 2year 1year
UK Ł596 Ł423 Ł225
US$1,104 Ł453
US$770 Ł242
Rest of world
US$1,246 Ł513
US$873 Ł272
To order: use the on-line subscriptions form

Or contact:

Subscriptions Department
Freepost KE7068
Timothy Benn Publishing Ltd,
39 Earlham Street
Covent Garden
London WC2H 9BR
Tel: +44 171 306 7140
Fax: +44 171 306 7141

E-mail: subs@benn.co.uk

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To view sample features from Reinsurance

To view a sample in-depth feature from a recent issue of Reinsurance in .pdf format, click here

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